WEntworth estate, virginia water


Start date: 25 September

Expected end date: 19 July 2024 

Project manager: Shane Compton

Local delivery partner: OMJ Utilities


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Hollow Lane, Pipers End, Morella Close, Gorse Hill Road, Heath Rise, Gorse Hill Lane and Trotsworth Avenue  to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

We will keep you updated as the project progresses. 


Contacting us

Our area customer manager is Sarah Shambrooke. She can be reached on sarah.shambrooke@morrisones.com or by telephone on 07815 989793.

You can also contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to CustomerCareLondon@cadentgas.com

HOLLOW LaNE Project updates

9 February - 16:35

The team working in Woodlands Road East have completed engineering work and the area is currently being reinstated. They have now moved into Woodlands Road West.

The team working on Gorse Hill Road are also making good progress, when they reach the junction of Heath Rise they will divert works along this street until the reach the opposite end. Once at this point, they will continue work along Gorse Hill Road.


2 February - 16:40

The team is currently working on Gorse Hill Lane between property numbers 3 - 13, this section is due for completion next week. The team will then be moving to Pipers End working from Pipers Corner to Oaklands.

Additionally, we have a second team mobilising onto the estate next week. They will be working at Woodlands Road East where they will be undertaking trial holes and camera surveys to confirm the position and size of the existing gas pipe. Once complete, they will be liaising with affected customers to make appointments.


26 January – 09:00

Team 1 is working in Pipers End working from Pipers Corner to outside Oaklands, they will be inserting the new section of the pipe this week. Next week they will be working on on the smaller gas pipes that feed gas directly into customer properties.

Team 2 is working in Woodlands Road East and where they have replaced a further 200m of the existing pipe. Work is underway to reinstate the area whilst the team are preparing to replace the next section of the pipe.

After discussions with the Estate Manager, it has been agreed that the engineering methods used to replace the next section of pipe can change. Rather than insert the new pipe into the old metallic pipe, they will be digging an open-cut trench in order to replace this section.


19 January - 12:40

The Team has moved from Gorse Hill Lane onto Pipers End,  and will be working from Pipers Corner to Oaklands. Preparations are underway to insert the next section of the new pipe next week and the team will be making appointments with affected customers.

Additionally, the second team on site is currently working on Woodlands Road East where they are preparing to replace the current section of gas pipe next week.  They will also be contacting affected customers to make appointments.


12 January – 11:20

The team is currently working on Gorse Hill Lane between property numbers  3 and 13. Work on this section is due to be completed next week.

The team will then be moving to Pipers End where they will be working from Pipers Corner to Oaklands.

Additionally, a second team mobilising onto the estate next week. They will be working on Woodlands Road East where they will be undertaking trial holes and camera surveys to confirm the position and size of the existing pipe. Team will liaise with customers affected by this upcoming phase of work.


6 December - 11:50

Engineering work on Trotsworth Avenue is complete and work to reinstate the area is now underway.

The team has moved onto Gorse Hill Lane and will be working between the junction of Trotsworth Court and 13 Gorse Hill Lane. This section of work is expected to last approximately two weeks, at which point excavations will be filled and all barriers and signs will be moved to a designated storage area.

The team will return to site on  2 January 2024


1 December - 11:20

Engineering work on Trotsworth Avenue was completed yesterday and work to reinstate the area will be done over the weekend.

Next week the team will be working on Gorse Hill Lane up from the junction of Trotsworth Court. They are completing preparatory work today with a view to replacing this section on Wednesday.


17 November - 11:15

This week the team replaced a further 122m section of Trotsworth Avenue from the junction of Gorse Hill Road. This included six of the smaller pipes that feed gas into the properties in this section. Work to reinstate the area will take place over the weekend.

Next week the team will be completing the final section on Trotsworth Avenue and all work should be complete by the end of the week.


10 November - 14:00

Work on this phase is taking a little longer than anticipated due to issues with accessing some properties. The team hope to complete the current phase next week.

Please note that the team are not on site today as they are attending a training course. They will be back on site on Monday.


3 November - 15:00

This week the team completed the replacement of a 110m section of the new gas pipe on Trotsworth Avenue between property numbers 20 - 30. 

Next week they will be working on the next 100m section been property numbers 30 - 40. 


30 October - 11:00

This week the team will be replacing 100m of the existing gas pipe on Trotsworth Avenue starting outside number 30 and working their way towards the end of the cul-de-sac, on both sides of the road.

Any customers directly affected by this work will be informed.


20 October - 11:15

Work to replace 146m of the existing gas pipe on Morella close is now complete and the area will be reinstated over the weekend.

On Trotsworth, work is ongoing to replace a further 300m of the existing pipe. Customers who will be directly affected by the work next week have been notified.


3 October 17:15

Work on the Abbots Drive project is now complete and the site has been cleared.

The team has commenced works on Morella Close and we anticipate that they will be there until the end of this week before moving along to Trotsworth Avenue on Monday 9 October.

The map below highlights where we have completed work, and the streets that will be affected during this project.

22 SEPTEMBER - 12.00

This week the team continued to progress with works in Abbots Drive, and plan to complete all engineering works by Tuesday. Any customers affected by this work have been informed

Once the engineering works are complete the team will begin the reinstatement process .

The project is planned to be completed and site clear by the 6th October.

Any further updates will be provided as works progress.


15 September - 13:10

All engineering work is now complete on Badgers Drive, work to reinstate the area will take place next week.

The final two sections of work for this project are on Abbotts Drive between property  numbers 18 and 11.

Thank you for your continued patience during our work.


8 September - 14:25

This week the team has continued with preparatory work in Badgers Hill. Next week they replacing the section of existing pipe between property numbers 15 - 11. 

Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


1 September - 11:25

The team has been back on site this week, completing preparatory work on phase 17 of in Badgers Hill where work will continue next week.


11 August 11:05

This week the team has been working on the smaller pipes that feed gas into two properties. As a reminder, they will be on annual leave 14 – 25 August.

If you have any queries during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Care Team using the contact details above.


04 AUGUST - 11.30

This week the team replaced a further 178m of existing pipe along with the pipes that feed the gas into the respective properties. Phase 14 and 15 are now complete.

Next week work will be taking place on Abbotts Drive between no.11 and 13. Any customers affected during this phase of work will have been informed.

Then, from the 14 - 25 August the team will be on annual leave. If you have any questions during this time, do not hesitate to contact our customer team using the details above.


27 July – 11:10

This week the team completed work on phases 8 and 13.

Preparatory work has started today for phases 14 and 15 which will be worked on next week. These phases include the service pipes that feed gas into 7 properties. Any customers affected by this work have been informed.


26 July - 12:10

Work on site will pause between 14 - 25 August as the team will be on annual leave. If you have any questions during this time, do not hesitate to contact our customer team using the details above.


21 July - 11:10

Work is progressing well and the team is continuing to work on phase 8 of the project. Next week they will be replacing the service pipes that feeds gas into the properties within this section before moving on to preparatory work for phase 13 on Badgers Hill.


14 JULY-  11.30

As per last week's update, this week the team were working on Phase 8 of the project. A further 80m of the existing gas pipe was replaced and the works are progressing well. During the works, some residents' driveway accessibility was affected but any customers affected by this will have been informed.

Next week the team will continue with phase 8, where we will be replacing the remainder of the 150m of the existing gas pipe near Meadow Brook to Wellington House.

Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


7 July - 13:00

Next week the team will be moving on to phase 8 of the project which will involve digging a trench along the section to access and replace the existing pipe. This phase of work will be ongoing for two weeks. Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


30 June - 11:20

This week the team completed the preparatory on phase 7 as planned.

Next week work will continue on Abbots Drive down to Meadowbrook where we will be replacing approximately a further 330m of the existing gas pipe along with the pipes that feed gas into 15 properties.

Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


23 June - 11:10

This week a further 280m of the existing gas pipe has been replaced along with the pipes that feed the gas into 11 properties.

Next week the team will begin the preparatory work on phase 7 of the project which will include a camera survey of the existing pipe. Any customers affected during the next phase of work will have been informed.


16 JUNE – 11.00

This week the team were excavating and doing preparation works for the engineering works planned next week. This included completing works on and preparing the pipes that feed gas into associated properties.

Next week, the team will be completing engineering works in Badgers Hill and Brock Way. This will be from the junction of Brock Way to no. 2 Badgers Hill and, from no. 9 Brock Way to the junction of Badgers Hill. This section of work will also include the pipes that feed gas into approximately twelve properties. Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


09 June - 11:25

Work is progressing well, a further 250m of the existing gas pipe has been replaced. This week the team has been working on Brock Way from no. 9 to the junction of Abbots Drive and then on Abbots Drive from no. 34 – 28.

Today the team is on site jet washing areas where work has been completed.

Next week the remainder of work on Brock Way will be completed which will include the pipes that feed gas into six properties. Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


02 june - 11.30

Following last week’s camera surveys, this week the team were excavating and doing further preparation works for the engineering stage of Phase 4.

Next week, the team will be beginning works near the junction of Brock Way and Abbots Drive. This will be between no. 28 - 34 Abbots Drive and 9 Brock Way. Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


26 May – 11:10

This week the team completed a further two phases of the project, replacing an additional 259m of the existing gas pipe, along with the pipes that feed gas into seven properties.

The team is onsite today and conducting camera surveys ahead of phase 4 of work beginning next week. Please note that the team will not be working on the bank holiday, they will be back on site on Tuesday 30 May.


19 May - 11:30

We are pleased to confirm that work is on schedule, and we have now completed phase one of the project. To date we have replaced 78m of the existing gas pipe, along with the pipes that feed gas into three properties.

Work will begin on the second phase of work on Monday 22 May, and we will keep you updated with progress.


21 April - 09:50

Today we created this new website for our customers in order to help us stay in touch. As the project progresses, we will continue to publish documents and general project updates as they come along.


project leaflet

project letters