Bristol gardens, london


Start date: 24 July 2023

Duration: 16 weeks

Project manager: Michael Soloman

Local delivery partner: Terrafirma Pipeline Ltd


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Bristol Gardens to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

We anticipate the project duration to be 16 weeks. If any changes are required, we will keep you informed.
Due to the nature of the work involved, we have planned to deliver it in two phases to maximise efficiency and minimise disruption.
Phase 1 starts on 24 July from the junction Formosa Street along to the junction of Bristol Gardens. During this phase multi-way traffic lights will be in place on Formosa Street and Shirland Road and there will be no access to Formosa Street from Bristol Gardens.
Phase 2 begins immediately after the end of Phase 1 and continues along Bristol Gardens to the junction with Clifton Villas. Multi-way traffic lights will be in place Clifton Villas during the final stages of the project.
As work progresses we will provide updates on our project website. 

Contacting us

You can contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to

Project updates

19 October - 10:40

Work to replace the main gas pipe is now complete. The team will now be focusing on replacing six of the smaller pipes that feed gas into properties.

Once this is complete the area will be reinstated and we expect site to be clear by Tuesday next week.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during our work.


13 October - 16:25

The team has transferred the service pipes that feed gas into properties onto a temporary rail at Bristol Gardens. This has allowed us to progress with the decommissioning of the existing gas pipe. We will now install the new pipe over the weekend and place it on test with a view to have it commissioned by Tuesday. The team will then work to transfer the services pipes onto the new pipe.

Work to reinstate the affected area on Clifton Villas should be completed by the end of next week after which any suspended parking and traffic management will be removed and reverted back to the hard closure of Bristol Gardens with Clifton Villas free to flow as normal.

Our storage and compound location in Formosa street will be cleared early next week and parking bays returned. This may allow Affinity Water to operate without temporary signals at night. However, our welfare location in Formosa will remain in place until we can establish sufficient room within the Bristol Gardens closure.


22 September - 15.00

Following the last update, the team still have one service (the smaller pipes that feed gas into your property) to complete. There was a slight delay in progress as the team had to wait for access permission, which was provided today. The connection for Bristol Gardens is now complete and the reinstatement of all excavations has now started.

As planned, we anticipate amending the traffic management circa next week Wednesday. After which, access to Mews will be from Formosa Street and Bristol Gardens will be closed between Clifton Villas and Bristol Mews as part of preparation for phase 2.

Please note, in order to complete the next phase a significant number of bays will be suspended, in order to focus on all available services that require upgrading on both sides of the street.

Any customers affected by this  have been informed and if you have any queries please contact us.


18 SEPTEMBER - 12.30

The works outlined for phase one of the project are nearly complete. All engineering works, excavations and traffic management  on Formosa Street and Shirland Road have been completed and cleared.

The team are still working on some complex services (the smaller pipes that feed gas into your property), located at the start of Bristol Gardens, and a connection to Bristol Mews. Once this section of works is complete, phase one of the project will be complete, and the team will begin prepatory works for phase two. During this phase, the team plan to update the traffic management plan and access to Bristol Mews will be via Formosa Street end and our closure will be in place from Clifton Villas.

This is anticipated to take place on the w/c 25th September. Further updates will be provided closer to the time.


8 September - 13:00

Unfortunately work has been delayed due to some network configuration issues and a water leak in the area. Please note that the leak was not as a result of our work. Engineering work for the current phase is complete and the area will be reinstated by Wednesday next week, when the temporary traffic lights will be removed.


25 AUGUST- 14.00

Following the last update, this week the team discovered a connection point on the gas main in the middle of Formosa Street. The connection point was not indicated on the gas maps, so this means that an additional connection is required. As a result, phase one will be delayed by a week.

Next week, the team will commence with the replacement works and amend their works method in order to mitigate any further delays. Then, from the week commencing 4th August there will be additional connection works to install the new gas main which will then complete phase one.

There has also been some collaboration work with Thames Water in order to enable them to undertake some Penstock (pipe) inspection work.

Any customers affected by this work have been informed.


3 August - 13:55

The project started on 24 July as planned and is progressing well.

The team has dug an excavation on Bristol Gardens to locate the existing gas main. Due to the depth of the excavation, additional trench support has also been installed. Work on another deep excavation in Formosa has begun and will be completed once a CCTV survey has been carried out.

Currently the team is working on the section of exposed pipe and they have also started work on some of the smaller service pipes within the first section of work.

Next week CCTV survey will be carried out, followed by the disconnection of several connecting pipes in Bristol Gardens.

We will also be facilitating collaborative works with Thames Water on the sewers in Formosa Street within our traffic management.


7 July - 14:00

Today we created this new website for our customers in order to help us stay in touch. As the project progresses, we will continue to publish documents and general project updates as they come along. 

The map to the right highlights the area in which this work is due to take place in two phases. It also indicates where the two road closure will be in place.