Hockley Road, Rayleigh


Start date: 24 July 2023

Duration: 10 weeks

Project manager: Stuart Griffiths

Local delivery partner: Forefront Utilities

Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Hockley Road to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

We anticipate the project duration to be 10 weeks. If any changes are required, we will keep you informed.
Due to the nature of the work involved, we have planned to deliver it in a number of phases to maximise efficiency and minimise disruption.

Phase 1: two weeks
The first phase will begin at the roundabout with Hambro Hill. 80m of the existing gas pipe will be replaced.

Phase 2: two weeks
Continuing along High Road, a further 150m of the existing gas pipe will be replaced.

Phase 3: two weeks
125m of the existing gas pipe will be replaced.

Phase 4: two weeks
110m of the existing gas pipe will be replaced.
During this phase the bus stop by The Gattens will be suspended and used for storage.

Phase 5: two weeks
115m of the existing gas pipe will be replaced.

Contacting us

You can contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to CustomerCareLondon@cadentgas.com

Project updates

8 September - 14:40

All work on Hockley Road is now complete. We are due to return to return to the area to complete work at Hambro Close on 6 October. This work will be completed under three-way temporary traffic lights at the junction of Hambro Hill.


25 AUGUST - 13.00

We are pleased to share that we have completed works 5-6 weeks earlier than planned. Yesterday afternoon, the traffic management was removed from Hockley Road.The plant and storage will be removed shortly.

The team will return between the 11th and 18th September to complete the section on Hambro Close. Then return on the 5th Aug 2024, approximately, to complete the Hambro Hill section.

Further updates will be provided as required.


18 August - 11:15

We have now completed all engineering works on Hockley Road and High Road. The area will soon be reinstated and the site cleared, we anticipated that this will be completed by end of next week.

Work is due to start in Hambro Close on 18 September. 

04 AUGUST- 12.00

To date, the project is progressing well. This week the team completed work on Phase 2 and completed the reinstatement works.

Next week , the team will continue onto the next phase (phase 3) and plan to replace approximately 125m of existing gas pipe and the service pipes that feed gas into the respective properties. Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


28 July - 14:30

Engineering work on phase 1 is now complete, and Reinstatement will be completed over the weekend. The temporary traffic management will be moved to the next section on Sunday ready for the team to work on phase two from Monday.


24 July - 13:00

The project started as planned today and the temporary traffic lights have been installed.

For the remainder of the week, the team will be digging excavations to locate the existing gas pipe and the smaller pipes that feed gas to properties within the first phase. The first section of existing gas pipe will be replaced next week.


10 July - 12:00

Today we created this new website for our customers in order to help us stay in touch. As the project progresses, we will continue to publish documents and general project updates as they come along.