Manor Road, Harrow


Start date: 8 January 2024

Duration: 18 weeks

Project manager: Benjamin Noble

Local delivery partner: KLT Utilities


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Manor Road to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

Due to the nature of the work involved, we have planned to deliver it in a number of phases to maximise efficiency and minimise disruption.

Contacting us

You can contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to

Project updates

2 February - 15:30

The team has been working on phases 3 and 4 this week, engineering work is expected to be completed today, with reinstatement to follow.

Next week the team will move onto phases 5-8, any customers affected by this work will be notified.


17 January 14:10

Phase 2 is currently in progress with engineering work expected to be completed on Friday 19 January with work to reinstate the area to follow from Monday 22 January.

Phase 3 of work will begin on Monday 22 January. Any customers affected during this phase will be contacted prior to any works being carried out.


5 January – 10:45

Work on Manor Road is due to start on Monday 8 January as planned and a storage unit has been placed on Bonners Field line in preparation.

From Monday the team will be setting up the site which will involve the restriction of some parking, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

On Monday and Tuesday large machinery will be on site to dig the excavations for the first phase of work.