Ringmead, bracknell


Project manager: Shane Compton

Local delivery partner: OMJ UK


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Ringmead and surrounding roads to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.


Contacting us

You can contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to CustomerCareLondon@cadentgas.com

Meet the team


Natalie Khan

Customer Care Officer

Natalie will be visiting properties around a week ahead of any work being carried out if your property will be affected in the upcoming phases. She will go through what to expect and answer any questions, liaising with the community on a day to day basis.

Sarah Shambrooke

Area Customer Manager

Sarah will be working closely with Natalie, managing our customer experience end to end process. She will also be dealing with any escalated issues you may have.

Shane Compton

Project Manager

Shane will be managing the project from an engineering perspective. He will work closely with the engineering team and site manager ensuring your gas supply is replaced and restored as quickly and least disruptive as possible

Amy-Isabella Wells 

London Network Customer Manager

Amy will be working closely with Sarah and Shane, ensuring the project runs smoothly and on schedule from an engineering and customer perspective. 

Project updates

9 February - 16:30

This week the team completed engineering work on Pendlebury and work to reinstate the area is underway. The barriers and site signage will be cleared early next week.

Work is continuing in Pembroke, unfortunately there have been further delays whilst we continue the replace the existing pipe using the open-cut method.


2 February - 16:25

Team 1 is continuing work in Pendlebury, it is anticipated that this work will be completed in the next two weeks. 

Team 2 has completed work on Hanworth Road, the temporary traffic signals will be removed once the areas that have been reinstated are fully cured. 

They have now moved into Pembroke. As in previous phases, the existing gas pipe is deeper than expected, meaning that it will need to be replaced via the ‘open-cut’ method. They will now be digging a trench along the verge in order to access and replace the section of pipe. This allows them to safely carry out the work whilst maintaining access and egress for residents. 


26 January - 09:00

Team 1 is still in Pendlebury and we expect engineering work to continue there for approximately two more weeks.

Team 2 is working along Hanworth Road between the junction of Prescott and Ringmead. It is anticipated that the traffic lights will be in place on Hanworth Road for one more week. Once work to reinstate the area is complete, they will be removed. The team will then be progressing onto Pembroke.


19 January - 13:00

Two teams are continuing to work on the Pembroke Project.

Team 1 is still working in Pendlebury but have again experienced difficulties with the depth of the existing gas pipe. As a result, it has been necessary to change the way in which the pipe is replaced. The team will now be digging a trench along the verge in order to access and replace the section of pipe. This allows them to safely carry out the work whilst maintaining access and egress for residents. 

Team 2 is  working along Hanworth Road. Because of the bend in the existing gas pipe, the team cannot insert the new pipe into it. This section will also be replaced by digging a trench in order to access the full section of the pipe.

Next week the traffic lights will be moved across the junction of Pembroke and Hanworth Road.


11 January – 11:45

Two teams are still working on the Pembroke Project.

Team 1 is working in Pendlebury, unfortunately they have experienced difficulties with the depth of the existing pipes. This has resulted in them needing to change the way in which they lay the new pipe. Rather than insert into the old metallic pipe, they will be digging an open cut trench along the verge to access and replace the pipes. This will allow the work to be carried out in the safest way possible whilst maintaining access and egress for residents.  

Team 2 is working along Hanworth Road under three-way temporary traffic lights. It has been necessary to suspend the bus stop outside the Cannie Man Public House due to the location of the existing gas pipe. We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause, the stop will be reopened at the earliest opportunity following completion of engineering and reinstatement work.


13 December - 31:45

The team working on Hanworth Road has progressed to the next stage and are they are now working between Brunswick and Bucklebury.

In order to maintain a safe passage for highway users, we were required to upgrade the traffic management from two-way to four-way temporary traffic lights, as detailed below.

The team will be completing engineering work this week and work to reinstate the area will follow. Once this is complete, the traffic management will be removed and the site will be cleared at the earliest opportunity next week. one the reinstatement has been completed.

Engineering work will also been completed in Ollerton this week and work will soon be underway to reinstate the area. Once this is complete, the site will be cleared at the earliest opportunity next week.

Both projects will now pause for the Christmas break and the teams will resume work on 2 January 2024.

The work between Ringmead and South Hill Road is now complete earlier than anticipated, traffic management has been removed and the site has been cleared.


6 December  11:30


We have now completed the section of work on Ringmead and removed the lane closure.

New traffic management has been installed on Hanworth Road between the junction of South Hill Road and Ringmead. This section of work is currently in progress and is due to be completed by Friday 15 December.



The team has installed two-way traffic lights on Hanworth Road by junction of Brunswick. We anticipate that they will be in place for two weeks, at which point all excavations will be filled and traffic management removed until Tuesday 2 January 2023

Unfortunately, it has been necessary to suspend two bus stops on Hanworth Road until 19 December. We would kindly as that any users should use an alternative bus stop until this time. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

1 December 16:30

Ollerton and Pendlebury

Engineering work on the section between 19 Ollerton and 16 Pendlebury is now complete and work to reinstate the area will take place on Monday and Tuesday.

Next week the team will be working on Pendlebury between property numbers 60 – 29.

Ringmead and Handworth Road

Engineering work on Ringmead has been completed today, and we hope to be able to lift the directional road closure on Monday.

Next week the team will move to the next section of work on Hanworth Road starting at roundabout and along to the junction of Ringmead.


17 November - 12:30


After digging a trial hole, the team discovered that the existing gas pipe is deeper underground than anticipated. This meant that engineering plans needed to change and work on the current section is taking a little longer than planned and work will continue on this section  into next week.


Engineering work on the current 120m section was completed on Wednesday and work to reinstate the area is underway. Next week the team will be moving along to the next 100m section.

Work is still being completed under a directional road closure – please follow the diversion signs in place.

Please note that the compound area in Bywood close to the Cannie Man Public House will remain in place for the remainder of this project.


3 November - 15:30


This week the team replaced 86m of the existing gas pipe and next week plan to replace a further 100m between property numbers 56 – 6.

Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


Work on this project has been delayed this week due to depth of the existing pipe. The new pipe will now be inserted on Monday.  

Please note that the team was not on site on Thursday or today as they were attending a funeral.


On Tuesday next week the team will move onto Donnybrook project and undertake works on Ringmead Road for approximately three weeks.

This work will be completed under a lane closure on Ringmead with a diversion route in place, as detailed below.

We understand this will be disruptive for you and apologise in advance for the inconvenience. Please be assured we will be doing everything we can to minimise the impact we have.