Runwell Road, wickford


Start date: 1 April 2022

Duration: 12 weeks

Project manager: Glen Holman

Local delivery partner: KLT Utilities


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Runwell Road to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

Due to the nature of the work involved, we have planned to deliver it in a number of phases to maximise efficiency and minimise disruption.

Project phases

Phase1: 1 - 3 April 2022

The first phase will involve the removal of traffic island. This will prevent the need to implement a directional closure of Runwell Road. The island removal is anticipated to be removed between a Friday 1 April evening to Sunday 3 April afternoon ready for works to commence Monday morning. Works will be complete under a lane closure.

Phase 2: 4 – 15 April 2022

Replace approximately 140m of existing gas pipe from the roundabout up to the junction with Harrold Gardens. This will be done under two-way lights with a closure of Harrold Gardens for our welfare and storage area. The road closure also prevents the need using three-way traffic lights which will create a bigger build-up of traffic causing excessive delays.

Phase 3: 17 – 24 April 2022

Trial holes will be excavated to help us locate the existing gas pipe and service holes in preparation for completing the next phase of works.

Phase 4: 21 - 24 April 2022

The traffic island will be reinstated, during this time there will be a lane closure.

Phase 5: 25 April – 22 May 2022

Replace approximately 165m of existing gas pipe from Harrold Gardens to approximately outside number 67 Runwell Road. Two-way traffic lights will be in place with a closure of Harrold Gardens for welfare and storage area. The road closure also prevents the need using three-way traffic lights which will create a bigger build-up of traffic causing excessive delays.

Phase 6: 23 May – 3 June 2022

Replace approximately 69m of existing gas pipe from approximately outside number 67 Runwell Road to approximately outside number 77 Runwell Road.

Contacting us

Our project manager is Glenn Holman. He can be reached on or by telephone on

07900 163366.

Our area customer manager is Justine Sadler. She can be reached on or by telephone on 07929 656795.a

You can also contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to

Project updates

20 May - 08:45

We are pleased to confirm that all engineering works are now complete and reinstatement is finished. The site has been cleared and the road closure on Harold Gardens has been removed along with all traffic management.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during our works. 

26 April – 13:15

Works are progressing well and we are currently ahead of schedule. The traffic island is now fully reinstated and all traffic management has been removed.

In the next engineering phase, 80% of the holes have been completed with use of the vacuum-excavator machine.

We are now working hard to update and complete all the service replacements to affected properties. We anticipate that the next phase of engineering will be completed by Thursday 5 May, and the last section of replacement is estimated to take place on Thursday 12 May.

We anticipate the reinstatement after engineering works will be completed by 20 May with the traffic management then being removed.

13 April – 17:00

Engineering work on phase 2 of the project now been successfully completed. Reinstatement work began today with the backfilling of the excavations being completed. Tomorrow, the teams will reinstate curbs and concrete sub-bases, ready for tarmac on Tuesday.

The engineering team have now started to excavate phase 3 of the project.

Bank holiday weekend working:

  • Friday 07:00 - 16:00
  • Saturday 07:00 – 13:00
  • No work will take place on Sunday or Monday

Traffic management operatives will continue manning the traffic lights and site 07:00 – 19:00 over the weekend.


Next week, on Tuesday evening after rush hour, the existing traffic management will move. We have been in talks with local authority and have agreed to speed up works so that the traffic management for reinstatement of the traffic island during phases 4 and 5 of project can be in place at the same – meaning there will be no extra traffic disruption.


8 April - 09:00

We are well on our way with excavating phase 2. Large amounts of contaminated ground are being removed from site daily for reprocessing, see photo to the right.

Preparation for our first operation on Monday 11/4/22 ready for the replacement of the first section on Tuesday 12/04/22.

Looking forward we hope reinstatement on phase 2 to be completed by Friday 15/04/22 ready for the TM to be changed to reinstate the traffic island.

Traffic and pedestrian marshals are extremely busy keeping the flow of traffic going and helping members of public pass through the site safety.

4 April - 16:30

Work began on 1 April as planned with the traffic management arriving on site on Friday evening.

Phase 1 of the project which involved the removal of the traffic island was successfully completed on Saturday.

Phase 2 began on Sunday morning when we changed the traffic management to two-way signals with pedestrian crossings.

This morning the site was set up and we will begin excavating tomorrow with the vacuum-excavator vehicle.

We will keep you updated as work continues to progress.

28 March - 11:55

Today we created this new website for our customers in order to help us stay in touch. As the project progresses, we will continue to publish documents and general project updates as they come along.