Stanley Hill, Amersham


Start date: 13 June 2022

Duration: 13 weeks

Project manager: Tony Ingram

Local delivery partner: Stanmore Quality Surfacing Ltd


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Stanley Hill to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

Due to the nature of the work involved, we have planned to deliver it in a number of phases to maximise efficiency and minimise disruption.

Contacting us

Our area customer manager is Sarah Shambrooke. She can be reached on or by telephone on 07815 989793.

Our site manager is Natasha Barrett. She can be reached on or by telephone on 07387 025009.

You can also contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to

Project updates

Monday 17 October - 09:15

We are now entering the final week of this project where we will be completing a new road crossing connection and replacing the final 80m of the existing gas pipe.

We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during our work.


Tuesday 11 October - 09:00

Last week a further 65m of the existing gas pipe was replaced. We are now entering the final two weeks of the project, where we will be replacing the final 100m of the pipe and inserting a new road crossing.


MOnday 3 October - 09:50

Last week the team prepared another 8 of the service pipes that feed gas into customer properties ready to lay another 55m of new the new pipe this week. Once this is completed, the temporary traffic lights will be moved 300m down the road to the final180m section.


Friday 23 September - 15:00

A further 65m of the existing gas pipe has been replaced this week, with another 50m of replacement planned for next week.


Tuesday 20 September - 14:15

Last week we replaced a further 55m of the existing gas pipe and plan to replace another 50m next week.


Friday 9 September - 13:10

This week a further 50m of the new gas pipe was inserted along Stanley Hill, with another 40m planned for next week.


Friday 19 August - 16:15

This week the team prepared the service pipes that feed gas into properties within the next 100m section of work so that the main gas pipe can be will be replaced next week.


Friday 12 August - 13:50

This week work to replace the 90m service pipe at Amersham School was completed. The team will be moving back onto Stanley Hill next week to begin work on the next 100m section.


Friday 5 August - 13:30

Work to prepare for the replacement of 90m of the existing pipe that feeds gas into Amersham school is now complete. The new pipe will be inserted on Wednesday next week and reinstatement will be completed soon after. Once this section is finished, work will continue down Stanley Hill.

The three-way temporary traffic lights will remain in place until all work at the school has finished. After this, they will change to two-way lights for the remainder of the project.


Friday 29 July - 13:10

Work has progressed well this week, we've now replaced a further 150m of the existing gas pipe.

Next week we will be working on the connections at Amersham School, so the team may not be as visible as they have been. On Tuesday, the temporary traffic lights will be repositioned in front of the school.


Friday 15 July - 14:15

This week we finished replacing all of the the pipes that feed gas into properties within the first section. The gas supply to these properties is now being fed from the newly replaced gas pipe.

On Tuesday next week the traffic lights will be moved down the road and work will begin on the next 100m section.


Friday 8 July - 13:10

This week we dug a trench in order to lay 55m of the new gas pipe. Next week we will be working on replacing the pipes that feed gas into the properties within this section.

Any customers affected by this work will have been contacted. If you do have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Friday 1 July – 13:30

Work is progressing well, the first 84m of new gas pipe has now been laid this week.

Next week, the team will not be onsite on Monday as they are attending a mandatory company-wide safety stand-down day. They will be back on site, on Tuesday, when they will begin to dig excavations for the next phase of the project.


Friday 24 June - 15:20

This week we began work on the service pipes that feed gas in customer properties and next week we will begin to insert the first section of the new gas pipe.

Whilst reviewing plans for the second phase of work, we have identified the possible need to change our design plans. If any changes are required, we will provide updates as soon as we have them.

Lastly, we would like to confirm that the storage area will remain on site for the duration of the project. Spoil from the excavations that we dig is being removed daily to keep the area as tidy as possible.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Monday 20 June - 11:00

You will be aware that work began on the project as planned on Monday 13 June and you may have noticed that we introduced an extra pedestrian crossing to help keep pedestrians safe.

While we plan our work very carefully, sometimes, during major underground engineering works, things crop up that mean we need to change the way we work.

Whilst digging our first excavations, we discovered that the existing gas pipe is much deeper underground than plans indicated. The pipe is 1.7m underground which means we need to use specialist equipment to ensure that the excavation is safe and stable.

The photos below shows the additional support needed to reinforce a deep excavation.

Unfortunately, this extra work may mean that we are unable to achieve the planned meterage of pipe replaced each week. Also, as we are now needing to dig deeper excavations on customers’ properties, this may impact access to some driveways for a period.

We will keep you updated as work progresses. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch.