Storey's gate


Start date: 24 July 2023

End Date: 24 September 2023 

Project manager: Jack Deaney

Local delivery partner: Murray Utilities Limited


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Storey's Gate to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic pipes with longer lasting plastic pipes. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

We will keep you updated as the project progresses. 

Contacting us

Contact our Community Relations team Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:30 on:

Freephone: 0800 389 8261

Project reference: IMGA221101

Project updates

29 September - 12:20

All engineering work has now been completed on Storey's Gate and the site has been cleared.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during our work.

15 September - 12:15

Ahead of the Vitality London 10,000 race on Sunday 24 September, we will be demobilising our site. This will involve backfilling any open excavations and reinstating the work area. Please note that current traffic management will stay in place until the day before the race.

Once we have rearranged access and a date has been agreed for work to recommence, we will let you know.


25 AUGUST - 16.00

This week, the team progressed with works located at the road closure of Birdcage Walk and from Storey’s Gate into Horseguards Road. Please note, traffic management has been installed outside the parade ground in Horseguards Road.

Next week, the team will be commencing with excavation works to connect these sections together and to prepare for the next section of replacement. The team will still be present on Storeys Gate in order to facilitate operations and whilst we re-configure the service to the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster in preparation for this next phase.


04 AUGUST- 12.00

Following last week’s update, this week the team excavated at the junction in order to access the existing gas pipe. Notably, installing the shuttering for the deep excavation took longer than expected in order to work safely. No amendments had to be made to the existing traffic management- for now.

We are currently waiting for the third party underground utilities to check their mains in order for us to further progress with the works.

We will keep you updated as further updates become available and work progresses.


31 July - 09:50

Last week the team excavated on Storey’s Gate in two locations, one outside The Westminster Arms and the other on the junction with Great George Street. Whilst digging they have discovered third party underground utilities which are hindering access to the existing gas pipe. This means an additional excavation may be required which could result in an amendment to the existing traffic management. We will keep you updated if this is the case.

This week the team will be digging additional excavations on Birdcage Walk. This will be within the existing traffic management on site.

21 July - 11:30

Work will begin on Monday as planned, the team will be on site from 08:00am to install the temporary traffic management. Please note that parking will be suspended in Matthew Parker Street at the junction with Storey's Gate to side of Methodist Central Hall Westminster for the duration of the project.

Once the site is set up, the team will be digging the first excavations on Birdcage Walk at the junction with Horse Guards Road and Storey's Gate.

We will keep you updated as work progresses.