Straight Road, Windsor


Start date: 27 July 2023

Duration: 42 weeks

Project manager: Chris Douglas

Local delivery partner: Gas Flow Limited


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along Straight Road and surrounding roads to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

We will keep you updated as the project progresses. 

Meet the team

Rob Baldock

Customer Care Officer

Rob will be visiting properties around a week ahead of any work being carried out if your property will be affected in the upcoming phases. He will go through what to expect and answer any questions.

Chris Douglas

Site Manager

Chris will be managing the engineering project end to end, as well as the gas engineering teams on a day to day basis, liaising with the local highway authority and Old Windsor Parish Council and control any traffic management.

Amy-Isabella Wells 

London Customer Operations Manager

Amy will be working closely with Chris and Mica, ensuring the project runs smoothly from an engineering point of view, making sure our customers are fully informed and dealing with any urgent issues.

Project updates

18 March - 16:50

All work is now complete on Straight Road. The team is currently working on the final phase of  the current project, a 35m section on St Luke’s road / Albany. We anticipate that all engineering and reinstatement work will be completed this week and the site will be cleared on Sunday.

We would like to thank you once again for your ongoing patience whilst we complete our essential gas mains replacement work.


8 March - 16:30

This week the team replaced a further 190m of the existing pipe in St Peter’s Close. Reinstatement work is underway and should be completed by the middle of next week.

In St Peter’s Road an 85m section has been replaced and reinstatement work will also be completed next week.


4 February - 13:35

Last week the team replaced a further 70m of the existing pipe in St Peter’s Road and dug excavations in St Peter’s Close. Reinstatement work was completed over the weekend.

This week the team is working on replacing the 200m section in St Peter’s close and they doing some more preparatory work in St Peter’s Road. 


22 February – 09:50

Whilst the team has been on annual leave this week, reinstatement work has been completed in The Friary and Straight Road.

Next week the team will be in St Peter’s Road and St Peter’s Close working under four-way temporary traffic lights. The team will be digging open-cut trenches to access the existing pipes. They hope to replace a 50m section in St Peter’s Road and a 150m section in St Peter’s Close. 


19 February - 10:30

Last week the team replaced a further 220m of the existing pipe in The Friary and work to reinstate the area followed over the weekend.  The site should be cleared by the middle of this week and the three-way traffic lights will be taken down.

Please note that you will not see the team on site this week as they are currently on annual leave. They will be back on Monday 26 February in St Peter’s Road where they will be working under multi-way traffic lights.


8 February - 16:30

This week the team working in Straight Road completed engineering work on the section between the junctions of Burfield Road and Ouseley Road. An additional 60m section of pipe to be replaced was also identified at The Harvester, where a trench the length of the section has been dug in order to replace the pipe. Work to reinstate the area will begin tomorrow and will be finished by the middle of next week. 

The second team will complete engineering work on the 150m section in The Friary tomorrow and work to reinstate the area will begin on Monday. Once complete, the temporary traffic lights will be removed. 

Next week the team will move onto the next 220m section in The Friary. Engineering work will be completed by Friday at which time, three-way temporary traffic lights will be put up on the junction of Straight Road.


2 February – 15:15

Engineering work to replace a further 100m section of the existing gas pipe is now complete and reinstatement is underway.

Once complete, the temporary traffic lights will be moved on to the junctions of Burfield Road and Ouseley Road where the team will be working on the next 80m section next week. 

An additional team will also be working to replace a 150m section in The Friary which we anticipate will be completed by Friday.


25 January – 14:15

Engineering work has been completed on the current 100m section on Straight Road, and work to reinstate the area is now underway.

Next week the three-way traffic lights are being moved down to the junction with Ouseley Road where work to replace the next 100m of the gas pipe will begin. We expect engineering work to be completed by Wednesday with reinstatement work to follow.


19 January - 11:30

This week the team replaced a further 100m of the existing gas pipe on Straight Road. Work to reinstate this section is underway and will be completed tomorrow.

Next week the team will be moving along to the next 100m section of the project.


11 January - 14:20

Engineering work on the section across the junction of Walpole Road is complete and work to reinstate the area will be finished tomorrow.

The team is now working on the next 90m section along Straight Road. This phase will be completed under multi-way temporary traffic lights.


5 January - 12:55

The team were back on site on Tuesday and have been preparing to replace the next 50m section of pipe across the junction of Walpole Road. Engineering work for this section should be completed on Tuesday and work to reinstate the area will follow.  


15 December

Message from Amy-Isabella Wells, Customer Operations Manager

Thank you for your patience whilst we work on Straight Road, we really do appreciate it!

Since starting the gas main replacement project in July, we’ve already replaced 2,335 meters of the old metallic pipes, and there’s just 1,491 meters to go!

We’ve encountered some really difficult engineering issues, so thank you to the residents who gave our team ice lollies when they were working in the blazing sun and made cups of tea in colder, wetter months. It really does mean a lot to Darren and the gang!

I’m really pleased to say that we’re currently ahead of schedule, and we will continue to keep you updated with progress on our website.

Once again thank you to all the wonderful residents of Old Windsor for your patience, we are working as fast as we can to complete the project.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We hope you like the bespoke illustration that we had commissioned for the Christmas card being sent to the residents of Old Windsor!


13 December - 14:30

This week the team has replaced a further 45m of the existing gas pipe in Malt House Close and work to reinstate the area will begin today. 

Please note, the team may not be present on site at all times, but they are on track to have the site cleared by 18 December. 


8 December - 11:50

Next week the team plan to work in Malt House Close where they will be replacing a 45m section of the existing pipe, which will require them to dig a trench the length of this section.

Engineering work will be completed by 13 December when the reinstatement team will be on site to complete all outstanding work. This will be completed, and the site cleared by 18 December.  

The team will return from the Christmas break on 2 January 24 and will be working on the junction of Malt House Close and Straight Road. This work will be completed under three-way temporary traffic lights.


1 December - 14:20

This week the team has replaced a further 100m of the existing gas pipe in Malt House Close and have dug a 75m trench, ready to insert the new section of pipe. Work to reinstate the area will start on Monday 

Next week the team will insert the new pipe and move onto the next 150m section. 


23 November - 15:20

Unfortunately, this week we encountered some unforeseen engineering challenges which will cause delays to the current section of work.

Due to other underground utility pipes and cables restricting access to the existing gas pipe, we now need to re-design our planned engineering methods.

Rather than insert the new plastic pipe into the existing iron pipe, we anticipate the need to dig a trench the length of this section in order to replace the pipe.

Please note the team will be back on site once the new engineering plan has been agreed.

We will continue to provide updates as soon as we have them. Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding.


17 November - 16:15

This week a further 90m of the existing pipe has been replaced and work to reinstate the area will take place over the weekend.

Next week work will begin on the next 60m section opposite the BP garage. This work will be completed be under three-way lights. Traffic from the garage will not be joining traffic under traffic control.

We are aware emergency  work taking place on water mains on Straight Road near the junction with The Avenue. These additional works will be completed under two-way temporary traffic lights, which will unfortunately add to travel times on Straight Road.


10 November - 09:20

This week the team has replaced a further 81m of the existing gas pipe and the area will be reinstated over the weekend.

The temporary traffic lights will be moved along to the next 100m phase of work on Monday morning.

Meet your engineering team

Darren, Tommy, Billy and Brad are your on site engineers. If you have any questions, feel free to ask a member of the team, they'll be happy to help!

2 November - 14:30

Engineering work will be completed on Friday as planned with 240m of the existing pipe being replaced on Orchard Road along with a 20m section on Straight Road. Work to reinstate the area on Straight Road will take place over the weekend and will move into Orchard Road early next.

Next week the existing traffic lights will move down Straight Road ready for work to begin on the next 100m section.


26 October 14:15

Reinstatement work on Queens Close is  now complete and the team has been working on the next section of Straight Road. Engineering work is due to finish tomorrow and work to reinstate the area will take place over the weekend and into next week.

Next week the team will be working along Orchard Close and over the Junction with Straight Road. This work will be completed under three-way temporary traffic lights.


20 October - 11:50

Engineering work on the latest 120m section is complete and work to reinstate the area will take place over the weekend. The temporary traffic lights and pedestrian crossing will be moved along to the next 75m section of work on Monday.

Work to replace the 250m section in Queens Close is now also complete and work to reinstate the area will follow.


12 October - 14:30

This week the team replaced a further 100m of the existing pipe as planned. Work to reinstate the area will begin today and will continue over the weekend.

On Monday the existing traffic lights will be moved along to the next 120m section of work and a pedestrian crossing will be added.

As some additional resources have become available, work will also be taking place in Queens Close where a 250m section of the existing gas pipe will be replaced.


6 October - 09:30

This week the team has replaced a further 100m of the existing gas pipe. Work to reinstate the area will be completed over weekend.

On Monday the three-way traffic lights will be moved along to the next 100m phase of work. Please note that the team will not be on site this day as they will be attending a mandatory training session.


29 September - 09:15

This week 130m of the existing gas pipe has been decommissioned between Straight Road and Queens Close. Work to reinstate the area is planned for the weekend. 

Next week the team will be working on replacing the next 100m section, this will be done under three-way traffic lights. 


22 SEPTEMBER- 16:00

This week a further 60m of existing gas pipe was replaced in Straight Road. Due to additional resource availability, 100m of existing gas pipe was also replaced in Queens Close. During the weekend the team will be present in order to complete the reinstatement works on both streets. This is planned to be completed by Monday.

Next week the team are planning to replace a further 100m of existing gas pipe under 3 way lights. 100m of existing gas pipe will also be replaced in Queens Close.

Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.


14 September 16:35

Tomorrow the team will be completing the engineering work to replace a further 340m of the existing pipe. Reinstating such a large area will take a little longer than in previous phases. We hope to have the entire area reinstated by the end of Tuesday next week.

We are hoping to replace a further 100m of this existing gas pipe next week. This phase of work will continue to be completed under four-way temporary traffic lights.


7 September 09:30

This week  a further 140m of the existing gas pipe will be replace by Friday. Work to reinstate the area will take place over the weekend. 

Next week four-way temporary traffic lights will be in place on Straight Road and we will be working on the 300m section, which will include The Avenue. 


1 September - 11:55

This week the team replaced a further 65m of the existing gas pipe and the area will be reinstated by Sunday afternoon.

Once complete, the five-way lights will be taken down on Sunday evening and replaced with a set of two-way lights. These will be turned on at 7am Monday morning outside the Tobey Carvery, along with a pedestrian crossing.

The next phases of work will be a further 100m of replacement on Straight Road and 50m in Queens Close.


24 August - 13:45

While we plan our work very carefully, sometimes, during major underground engineering works, things crop up that cause delays. We are now in a position where we need to amend the phasing plan for this project.

On Tuesday this week we completed phase 3 of work and phase 4 will be completed by Friday. Work to reinstate these areas should be completed by Wednesday next week.

Following on from this, work will begin on phase 5 which is an 80m section. This phase will be completed under five-way temporary traffic lights.


23 August - 11:15

Yesterday we experienced severe engineering difficulties meaning we had to work into the night. We were finally  able to restore any affected gas supplies by 10pm.

We would like to thank our customers and the local community for your patience during our late night working.

17 August - 16:50

This week work is ongoing on phase 3 of the project. Due to some engineering difficulties, we expect this phase of work to be completed on Tuesday of next week. Following this, the area will be reinstated on Wednesday and Thursday before work starts on the next phase. 

Phase 4 will begin with us digging a trench, approximately 50m in length from the junction with St Peter’s close, so that we can access the section of the existing gas pipe. This work will be completed under five-way temporary traffic lights.


11 August - 09:25

This week work began on the second phase of the project. Engineering work to replace a further 90m of the existing pipe has been completed. Work to reinstate the area will take place over the weekend.

The temporary traffic lights will be moved along on Monday ready for work to begin on phase 3. Due to engineering difficulties, the duration of this phase will be two weeks and it will be completed under five-way traffic lights.

We are working with the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead Council to review the traffic management throughout the project to ensure that traffic is flowing.  Thank you for your patience.


3 August - 14:10

Work has now begun on Straight Road and is progressing well. By Friday this week, engineering work to replace the first 150m (to the junction with St Luke's Road) of the existing pipe will be complete. Work to reinstate the area will take place on Saturday.

The temporary traffic lights will be moved along on Monday when work begins on phase 2. This phase will be completed under two-way traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing will be in place.


17 July - 11:00

Come and see us this Thursday at the Old Windsor Memorial Hall! Some of the team will be on hand between 15:00 and 19:30 to answer your questions about our upcoming work in Windsor.

12 June - 13:45

We had a fantastic day at the Old Windsor Carnival, it was a great opportunity to speak to so many residents and answer questions about our upcoming work.

Thank you to everyone who came to speak to the team, we hope you found it useful.

The map below highlights the areas in which we will be working starting from the left-hand-side of the page and progressing across to the right.

24 May - 16:50

Come and see us at the Old Windsor Carnival on 10 June, some of the team will be there to answer any questions that you might have about our upcoming work in Windsor.

12 MAY - 09:30

Today we created this new website for our customers in order to help us stay in touch. As the project progresses, we will continue to publish documents and general project updates as they come along.