Temple Fortune Lane, london

Start date: 6 September 2021

Duration: 6 weeks

Project manager: Michael Soloman

Local delivery partner: DPF Gas


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes in various locations on Temple Fortune Lane and Sheridan Walk to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

To deliver our work safely and securely, we will be implementing the following road closures:

  • 13 September - 10 October: opposite 4 Temple Fortune Lane to the junction of Wild Hatch and junction of Hoop Lane to Hoop Lane Cemetary 
  • 11 October - 7 November: Hoop Lane Cemetary to the junction of Finchley Way. 


Contacting us

Our area customer manager is Colin Walton. He can be reached on colin.walton@morrisones.com or by telephone on  07929 673605.

You can also contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to CustomerCareLondon@cadentgas.com


22 October - 14:00

Whilst planning the insertion of the final 40m section of new gas pipe, a cap end was discovered on the existing pipe during a CCTV survey. Unfortunately, after digging several exploratory holes, the exact location of the cap end has not been found. This has delayed the project by several days.

We plan to carry out an additional CCTV surveys and dig more exploratory holes tomorrow in Hoop Lane. We hope this will help to determine the location of the cap end. If this is located tomorrow, we will replace the last 40m section over the weekend to make for the delays.

We are also hoping that we can open some of the suspended car parking on Temple Fortune Lane.

14 September - 16:00

This week we will be excavating and renewing gas supplies where required. We are aiming to replace a section of the existing gas pipe between from the junction of Sheridan Walk (numbers property numbers 1 - 8). Any customers affected by this work will have been informed.

10 September - 17:00

The project began on Monday as planned and is currently on schedule. Work has progressed up to the junction of Sheridan Walk, the team is currently preparing connections to tie in to the existing gas pipe.

If you have any questions about the work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.