The Drive, The Avenue, Lock bridge Road

and Sailing Club Road, Bourne End


Start date: Monday 13 September 2021

Duration: Approximately 12 weeks

Project manager: Tony Ingram

Customer delivery manager: Adam Madge

Local delivery partner: KLT Utilities


Project overview

We are upgrading the gas pipes along The Drive, The Avenue, Lock Bridge Road and Sailing Club Road to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

Due to the nature of the work involved, we have planned to deliver it in a number of phases to maximise efficiency and minimise disruption. As soon as we have more information on this we will publish it and provide full details


Contacting us

Our senior area customer manager is Cheryle Treanor. She can be reached on or by telephone on 07503 643072.

Our area customer manager is Sarah Shambrooke. She can be reached on or by telephone on 07815 989793.

You can also contact our customer care centre by telephone on 0800 085 4478 (lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays) or by email to


17 December - 16:00

Reinstatement work is now complete and we are now in the process of going through the final snagging list of oustanding actions.

Thank you for your patience whilst we completed the work, we hope you have a happy festive season.

10 December - 13:20

All engineering works are now complete. In total we have replaced 1,100m of gas pipe along with the services to 76 properties.

Reinstatement work is currently underway with a meeting arranged for next week to review any oustanding actions.

26 November - 16:55

Following an inspection of outstanding locations on The Drive and The Drive Island we now have a clear view of the engineering solutions required to complete the points on the bridge and river crossings. We will work with specialist contractors to propose an acceptable method for damming the ford at the end of The Drive.

This week trial holes and camera surveys have been completed on The Drive.  The final section of pipe connecting The Drive, The Avenue South, Lock Bridge Road and Sailing Club Road has also been replaced.

Next week we will be laying a new 63mm rail main on the island which will be supplied by single one-way feed from the newly replaced gas pipe.

22 November - 11:40

Last week a further 260m of existing gas pipe was replaced on The Drive, we also completed a camera survey up to the final bridge crossing.

This week we will proceed with the final phase of this project and begin to lay a new gas pipe on the island. There is also a remaining 20 meters of pipe that will be replaced on Lock Bridge Road. Once this is complete, the final section of reinstatement work that connects Sailing Club Road, The Avenue North and Lock Bridge Road.

12 November - 15:40

Worked commenced on The Drive this week. Trial holes were excavated and camera surveys up to the final bridge crossing have also been completed.

Next week we will begin work the 260m section, the final 80m which includes the water crossing will be surveyed by camera.

All reinstatement work on The Avenue North and South and Sailing Club Road will be completed this week.

4 November - 15:40

This week we have replaced a further 144m of the existing gas pipe on Sailing Club Road. A further 140m of replacement is planned to be completed by 15 October.

Engineering work is now complete on The Avenue North and South with reinstatement work taking place next week.

Starting on Monday 8 October we will be carrying out camera surveys on the remaining 600m section of The Drive.

We estimate that there is a further 5-6 weeks remaining on the project.

28 October - 09:45

This week 195m of existing gas pipe was replaced on The Avenue North.

The work planned for the week commencing 1 November is to complete the remaining 100m of sections stretching back to the junction with Lock Bridge Road. We will also be working on the final 50m section on Sailing Club Road.

The completion of these sections will mean we've completed 50% of planned work.

21 October - 13:50

In agreement with the Abbots Brook committee, work commenced on The Avenue this week. This 200m section will affect 14 properties and also includes a water crossing. We are currently investigating the most appropriate way to complete the engineering works in this section.

The insertion of the new gas pipe is provisionally planned for 28 October; we will keep you updated as work progresses. 

14 October - 16:40

A further 140m of pipe will be replaced, along with the service pipe to six properties by the end of this week.

We have agreed with the Abbots Brook committee that work will begin on The Drive on Tuesday 19 October. This will section of work will involve the replacement of 170m of existing pipe and service pipes to 12 properties

8 October - 17:10

This week the first 144m section of pipe was replaced on Sailing Club Road. The team are currently preparing the final phase Sailing Club Road which is planned for replacement next week.

Over the next two weeks we will be conducting investigatory works. This will include the use of camera surveys and digging trial holes to decide the plans for pinch points and bridge crossings.

1 October - 14:30

A further 150m section of gas pipe has been replaced along Lock Bridge Road down to The Avenue. The holes have been backfilled and are awaiting final reinstatement.

The team is now digging the next section along The Drive down towards Sailing Club Road.

You may have noticed some additional activity on site this week. Please be aware that a drainage company have been carrying out work on a project separate to ours.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

27 September - 09:15

At the end of last week, the first 150m of gas pipe was successfully replaced along with the service pipes to ten properties.

During this week engineering works will be progressing on to The Avenue South and reinstatement work will commence on Lockbridge Road.

22 September - 16:00

The vacuum-excavator has been on site to prepare for the insertion of a 150m section of new gas pipe on Friday. Any customers whose gas supply will be affected by this work have been notified. 

Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.

15 September – 11:40

The team has been working to mark-up the ground in preparation for digging excavations. We are expecting the arrival of a skip on site today. Once this arrives the team will be able to start digging and no spoil from the excavations will be left on the road.

Any customers affected by this phase of work have been contacted. If you have any queries, please do get in touch.

9 September - 09:30

Ahead of our work beginning on Monday, we would like to remind you that there are a number of ways to keep up to date with what’s happening on the project.

You can check back to this page where we will post regular updates. You can also opt-in to SMS updates. Text GAS BOURNEEND to 82228 to subscribe to updates. Your standard SMS rates apply. Messages are free to receive, and you can opt out at any time.

We also have also set up a WhatsApp group so you can ask questions about and comment on our work.

To join the Bourne End Gas Project group, please contact our administrator, Anna Owen:

M: 07964 114236


Project updates

10 September - 15:50

The project will begin on Monday 13 September as planned, you will notice a welfare unit and other equipment arrive on site.

The team will start work at the junction of Lock Bridge Road and Oakfield Road and will be working their way round Sailing Club Road. They will be setting up trial holes to find the root of the old gas pipe and camera surveys to locate the service pipes that feed properties. They will also be knocking on doors to check the location of existing services and to explain what is involved in replacing it. Please be aware that the work may involve us needing to dig up an area outside affected properties.

7 September - 08:50

We will have a small team of people in the area today to tell you more about our upcoming work. You may see us in our hi-vis jackets, knocking on doors to talk to you and hand out information leaflets.

3 September - 16:00

Thank you to those of you who attended the project meeting on Wednesday, we hope you found it useful. If you do have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

31 August - 09:00

Reminder that we will be holding a project meeting at Abbotsbrook Hall tomorrow evening (Wednesday 1 September) between 4pm and 9pm. Everyone on Abbotsbrook Estate is welcome. We would love to see you. The purpose of the evening is to allow you to discuss with us our forthcoming work to replace the gas pipes on The Drive, The Avenue, Lock Bridge Road and Sailing Club Road. 

Our project is due to start on Monday 13 September. In the meantime, please come and join us tomorrow for a chat and some refreshments.